


Thursday, March 06, 2003

Zazen - What and Why?

Zazen is intensive, formal sitting. What a terrible definition! It makes Zazen sound neither difficult nor interesting. But if you try it, you will find it is both


Why try it? Experienced practitioners say they sit because they sit; they have no orientation to outcomes or results. You may feel that way too, eventually. But in the meantime, don't be ashamed to practice Zazen for self-improvement. Early payoffs are almost guaranteed. If you later decide to adopt zazen as a way of life, fine, and if not, that's OK too.

Zazen will improve your performance in athletics or martial art, and your concentration and effectiveness at work. It is an effective tool for relaxation. As you practice, you will deal with people and complex situations in new and better ways. Practice farther, and you will find a new balance in your life.

colleen - 10:28 PM




This is my zazen